Friday, 14 December 2007


I have made some great photographic finds on the internet, people I never would have known about had it not been for my computer. These photographers may never be known outside of a smallish group of followers but they have bought me inspiration and joy through sharing their work.

Apart from the photographers I love and visit often - whose links are listed at the side - I have discovered the following

Elizabeth Soule - her series, Little Zoo is gorgeous and makes perfect use of the SX-70

Bosse Blomqvist - Bosse uses vintage cameras and coats his own glass plates to make some amazing photos

Katie Cooke - Specifically her pinhole work which is beautiful

That's just for starters, enjoy!

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Wide Open

I am swinging wildly between excitement and terror at the moment. I have made the massive layout of buying studio lights and then realised that my digital camera doesn't have a PC sync socket, so I've had to buy a hot shoe attachment for it. D'oh! What kind of a professional am i?